Kooringal Public School

Encouraging excellence - Educating for the future

Telephone02 6922 6443


School Uniform

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

Our uniform shop is run by P&C volunteers and is currently opened on a Monday morning 9.00am to 9:30am. The uniform shop is also available using the Flexi Schools App which is available to download. Follow instructions once downloaded

School hats are also available from the front office.

Sun Safety

Kooringal Public School students must wear a school bucket/wide brimmed hat whilst in the playground in Term 1 & 4.

Those students without a school hat will be restricted to playing in shaded areas at the top of the school.

Girls' Summer Uniform

Check summer dress with white socks
Maroon skirt/skort
School sport shirt
Black shoes or black joggers & white sock
Maroon school hat

Boys’ Summer Uniform

Grey shorts with grey socks
Pale blue collared shirt with grey shorts
School sports shirt with maroon shorts
Black shoes or black joggers
Maroon school hat

Girls' Winter Uniform

Grey tunic
Grey tights
Pale blue skivvy or pale blue-collared shirt with tunic
School sports shirt with track pants & white socks
Maroon fleecy jumper
Black shoes or black joggers
Maroon spray jacket


Boys’ Winter Uniform                         

Grey trousers or maroon track pants 
Pale blue skivvy or pale blue-collared shirt  
Grey trousers          
School sport shirt with maroon trackpants & white socks
Maroon fleecy jumper 
Black shoes or black joggers
Maroon spray jacket


School beanies, gloves or scarfs
Hair accessories (in maroon or blue)
School sunglasses (available to purchase from the school canteen)
School hats are compulsory in Terms 1 & 4. Hats are optional in Terms 2 & 3 and a maroon beanie may be worn

Formal Occasions

Students are required to wear the correct uniform i.e grey trousers, blue-collared shirt or grey tunic, blue-collared shirt in the winter and school dress and grey shorts, blue shirt for the summer


Lowes Wagga also sells Kooringal Public School uniform items.

You can also order online at Kooringal Public School Uniform at Lowes